
Students appearing for SSC and HSC exams in 2021 : Will get extra time to write the paper, exams will be held in there home school

By Md.Bilal School education minister Varsha Gaikwad declared on Saturday that for upcoming HSC and SSC exams home centers will be available.This will be helpful to  reduce the stress and anxiousness of students and attain exams in regular atmosphere in addition with that there will be 30 min extra for 3 hours, and 15 min extra time for 2 hours papers. In academic year 2020-21 school have started in month of December. Even it is started late teachers and education department was trying to overcome the loss of students as things are going to be good again covid virus becomes effective and  number of cases are increasing day by day in Maharashtra.   In such circumstances Versha Gaikwad education  minister announces  exams will be offline only.It is not possible to conduct online exams for 30L students so exams will be in offline mode only .Also it is mentioned by minister that exams will be held in their respective school and colleges only. Students have to...


By Md.Bilal Circle : as per definition of circle it is a collection of points from a fixed point with equal distance. circle does not having any sides or edges it is a two dimensional figure. All of we have gone through the concepts regarding circle like radius, diameter, chord, interior and exterior of circle but today one more new concept we will study and that is tangent. Before that in your textbook there are some activities which you have to complete. let me help you to complete those. ACTIVITY1 :  In the adjoining figure, seg DE is a chord of a circle with centre C. seg CF ⊥ seg DE. If diameter of the circle is 20 cm, DE =16 cm find CF. In 9th class we have studied properties of chords those are , The perpendicular drawn from the center of a circle on its chord bisects the chord.   A segment joining the center of a circle and the mid point of circle is perpendicular to the chord. The chords of a cir...

Flavors of Python

By Md.Bilal   Flavors of Python 1) Cpython: - It is the standard flavor of python, it can be used to work with C language features. 2) Jython or Jpython: - This flavor of python is used to work with java applications. 3) Iron Python: - It is developed to work with Microsoft .Net applications. 4) PyPy :- It is called as python for speed, because internally it is having ‘Just in Time’ Compiler for the compilation of python programs. 5) RubyPython:- It can be used for Ruby platform. 6) Anaconda Python: - To handle huge data this flavor of python is used. Identifiers in Python :- Any name (With certain conditions) which is used to define a class, a variable, a method etc. Is called as an identifier. Following are some rules to define an identifier in python. 1) Alphabet Symbols: - (Both upper and lower case alphabets we can use). Digits:- ( 0 to 9 digits we can use ). Special Symbols :- ( Underscore (_)). E.g1. cash = 10,  ...

Equations reducible to a linear equations in two variables.

By Md. Bilal Solution:      Q.No(2)        2                  -         Not linear Q.No(3)       2                  -         Not linear Q .No(4)       2                  -         Not linear Let’s think! In the above table the equations are not linear. Can you convert the equations into linear equations? Let’s remember! We can create new variables making a proper change in the given variables.       Substituting the new variables in the given non-linear equations, we can convert them in linear equations.  Al...


By Md.Bilal Khan DETERMINANT: In linear algebra, the determinant is scalar value. Here we are just going to study what determinant Exactly is? How it is used to solve simultaneous equations. A determinant is a factor or cause that makes something to happen or leads directly to a decision. As a noun or adjective it refers to determining some vale or something for given input. Determinant is generally denoted by |A|, det(A) or det A. Determinant can be positive or a negative number. In our own words we can define determinant as within two vertical lines taking input as row or column and perform cross multiplication to get output for 2X2 determinant. see this: is a Determinant. (a, b),(c, d) are rows   and   are columns. Degree of this determinant is 2, because there are 2 elements in each column and 2 elements in each row. Solution of this determinant represents a number which is (ad-bc). Cross multiplication of elements. ∴ |A| = ad - ...