By Md.Bilal
Flavors of Python
1) Cpython: - It is the standard flavor of python, it can be used to work with C language features.
2) Jython or Jpython: - This flavor of python is used to work with java applications.
3) Iron Python: - It is developed to work with Microsoft .Net applications.
4) PyPy :- It is called as python for speed, because internally it is having ‘Just in Time’ Compiler for the compilation of python programs.
5) RubyPython:- It can be used for Ruby platform.
6) Anaconda Python: - To handle huge data this flavor of python is used.
Identifiers in Python :-
Any name (With certain conditions) which is used to define a class, a variable, a method etc. Is called as an identifier.
Following are some rules to define an identifier in python.
1) Alphabet Symbols: - (Both upper and lower case alphabets we can use).
Digits:- ( 0 to 9 digits we can use ).
Special Symbols :- ( Underscore (_)).
E.g1. cash = 10,
E.g2 ca$h = 10 Syntax Error : Invalid syntax.
2) Identifier should not start with digits:-
Not only in python all major languages are having this rule whenever we define a identifier it always start with alphabet.
E.g1. total123 =10,
E.g2 123total = 10 Syntax error : invalid syntax.
3) Python identifiers are case sensitive:-
E.g. 1 total = 10 E.g.2 TOTAL = 20
4) Reserved or Keywords should not be an identifier:-
E.g. if = 20 Syntax Error : Invalid syntax.
here if is a conditional statement used to check logical conditions.
5) Unlike in other languages there is no length limit to define an identifier in python.
There are two more rules which are special in python are --
6) If a python identifier starts with two underscore symbols that indicates private identifier.
7) If a python identifier starts with two underscore symbols and also ends with two underscore then it indicates language specific identifier.
Upto this post we were discussing about why to learn python,what python is,what are various features of python,and in this post we saw what are various flavors and how do we define identifiers in python if you have't read these posts just go to this link here you will get all my previous posts or you will get just below this post.
In the next post we will start to learn actual programming in python. The next topic will be Data Types in Python.
Thank you.
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