Students appearing for SSC and HSC exams in 2021 : Will get extra time to write the paper, exams will be held in there home school

By Md.Bilal School education minister Varsha Gaikwad declared on Saturday that for upcoming HSC and SSC exams home centers will be available.This will be helpful to  reduce the stress and anxiousness of students and attain exams in regular atmosphere in addition with that there will be 30 min extra for 3 hours, and 15 min extra time for 2 hours papers. In academic year 2020-21 school have started in month of December. Even it is started late teachers and education department was trying to overcome the loss of students as things are going to be good again covid virus becomes effective and  number of cases are increasing day by day in Maharashtra.   In such circumstances Versha Gaikwad education  minister announces  exams will be offline only.It is not possible to conduct online exams for 30L students so exams will be in offline mode only .Also it is mentioned by minister that exams will be held in their respective school and colleges only. Students have to...

Features of Python

11   Features of Python

1 Simple and Easy to Learn :
It is simple because whenever we read or write the code we feel just like we are reading or writing simple English like statements. It is easy to learn because it is having just 30 reserved words (Keywords) if we learn proper implementation of these 30 keywords then writing python programs becomes very easy.

2 Free ware and Open Source :
It is freely available to all, for installing we need not to pay anything we just need to go official website of python i.e. then click on downloads option.
The open source means customize the source code and can introduce our own version of python as per our requirement e.g:- UNIX operating system.


3 High level Programming Language :
High level means the language which can be understandable by human very easily all major programming languages like C, C++, Java and off course Python these all are High level programming languages.

4 Platform Independent :
A program written on a platform or operating system like windows then that same program can be executed on any other platforms or operating system.
Technically it is called as WORA principle i.e. Write Once and Run Anywhere.
Platform Independent
5 Portability :
With platform independent feature python is portable which means we can change the operating system and can run the same program. In simple terms migrating from one operating system to another system without making any changes into the program is called as Portability.


6 Dynamically Typed :
The languages like C,C++ and Java etc. these all are statically typed programming languages in which we have  to declare data type explicitly. In the case of python we don’t need to declare data type because type will be assigned to the variable according to the value provided to the variable.

7 Both Procedure Oriented and Object Oriented :
Procedure oriented means we need to write the program by using only methods and global variables. Object oriented means we can write programs by using classes and objects features of object oriented languages are Polymorphism, Encapsulation and Inheritance etc. e.g. Java .
In C language we have procedure oriented features and in java we have object oriented but in python we can enjoy both these features.

8 Interpreted :
It is not a compiled programming language like Java. In java we have to first compile the code before executing it. Python is a Interpreted programming language which comes with inbuilt interpreter which takes care of the interpretation of the program.

9 Extensible :
The programs written in other languages we can use them in our python program for e.g suppose we have a program written in java language which is having 1000 lines of code then this program we can use in our python program.

10 Embedded :
In the same way as we can use other languages code in python in the same way we can use python code in other languages also. This feature is not available with most of the other languages.

11 Extensive Library :
In python there are various modules or APIs (Application Program Interfaces)
Are already available just we have to import them while we are writing the code.


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